The Lounge

Fully appreciate every sip while you soak into a comfy couch in our newly renovated lounge. We offer a unique list of cocktails made with the finest ingredients and blended by our passionate bartenders. We also have one of the best collections of whisky in the city, curated for curious rookies and seasoned connoisseurs alike.

cocktail program

The cocktails at Fathom have been designed to depict a libatious representation of the namesake. We offer signature beverages with a coastal influence, created in collaborative efforts from the entire bar team. As you fathom through our beverage selection from the sunlight zone to the abyss, you will see a transition of cocktails that are light and approachable, to more intense expressions with curious flavour combinations—do you dare to Fathom?

- Soren Schepkowski, Creative Beverage Consultant

whisky selection

In curating the whisky list for Fathom, I drew inspiration from the Victoria Whisky Festival. As such, it is very much tailored toward the enthusiasts and explorers who respect the craft and the history of whisky, not the braggarts and blowhards who are only interested in the prestige. You’ll find a rich variety of flavours and styles, with extra special care and attention given to the Canadian whisky selection, which I hope will showcase some of our nations best distilleries to those visiting from abroad. It’s a selection which is designed to forge new experiences, inspire conversation, and deepen appreciation. Fortune favours the curious, and there are some incredible hidden gems just waiting to be discovered.

- Adam Bradshaw